Saturday, August 23, 2008

A drum roll please........

Jackie Garbarino of Altered Pages announces:

New Design Team Members
We have five new talented designers on the Altered Pages design team -
you'll want to meet them all!
Meet Sandra Christen, Lea Cioci, Jan Hoefler, Trisha Neal, and Nancy
Peterson - read more about them (and the rest of the brilliant design
team) at Design Team.

Notice anyone???? ME, yes it's true. I'm most excited.
Trisha & Nancy won the contest, I was Miss congeniality and came in 3rd. I get to FINALLY sport my tiara w/o being inebriated (don't ask) lol!

I'm thrilled to be joining a very talented team, and work with such wonderful collage sheets. Jackie has digital sheets too, which is just up my ally since I'm a control freak with sizes!



SweetPea said...

Congratulations Jan!!!
Well deserved, I might add :)

Michi Michaelson, Orange County, CA said...

BIG CONGRATULATIONS on being selected on the Design Team of Altered Pages, Jan!!!! You are AWESOME!!!!!